Completely-in-canal (CIC) hearing aids are the smallest of all the hearing aid choices and different than other possibilities because they are custom fitted to the inside of your ear canal to amplify sounds in individuals with mild to moderately-severe hearing losses. CIC hearing aids offer several pros for the wearer, as well as a couple of cons that you should be aware of before getting one.


CICs are small and their size and fit hold several aesthetic as well as listening advantages. Because of their small size, it’s difficult for others to notice a CIC without looking for it and it works automatically without extra knobs and buttons to control. The custom fit of the device may make this a more comfortable choice because they are molded to the shape of your inner earYou can wear some CIC brands around the clock for up to several months at a time, so there is no need to insert and remove it every morning and night. Models that cannot remain in the ear are equipped with a tiny string for easy removal. It generally doesn’t get in the way of the telephone receiver and, because it is housed inside your ear canal, your outer ear is able to keep out wind noise. What’s more, your ear’s natural anatomy guides sounds into the device, improving the quality of the sound.


Smaller size means smaller batteries and smaller batteries mean less battery life. They are typically more costly than other types of hearing aids due to their custom fitting. You will also be limited to omnidirectional sound, meaning you will experience all sound as if it’s right in front of you. Completely-in-Canals are typically not recommended for individuals with adequate low frequency hearing or for people with severe hearing loss.

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