Unfortunately loss of hearing impacts a great number of youngsters, although the right type of hearing aid could have a really positive effect on their lives. The number of types, options, and different sizes is often overwhelming to the parent choosing a hearing aid for their youngster. Read on to learn more about the styles of hearing aids best suited to aid younger listeners.
In-the-ear (ITE) and behind-the-ear (BTE) are classified as the two most common types of hearing aids used by kids. Youngsters, constantly growing and developing, should regularly have their hearing aids adjusted. BTE and ITE aids easily lend themselves to routine adjustment, making them most suitable to use in kids. ITE hearing aids are smaller products in plastic cases that fit within the outer part of a child’s ear. Other solutions such as telecoil can be integrated into this type of product. Worn behind the ear, behind-the-ear hearing aids are identified by their plastic case. A little piece of tubing combines the case to an earmold that rests in the outer ear. Mild to severe hearing issues are addressed by both kinds of devices.
Finding the best style of hearing aid for your youngster can be difficult, particularly if he or she has other medical problems. Children whose ears are not adequately formed may have problems wearing behind-the-ear devices. For a number of children, an exceptionally shallow ear canal might not present enough space to accommodate in-the-ear hearing aids. Children with an excessive build-up of ear wax may not be good candidates for ITE devices because it can interfere with the device functionality.
The best way to choose the right hearing aid for your child is to speak to your hearing specialist. Your specialist will understand your child’s unique problem and use these details to make well informed recommendations. Learning about your role in enhancing your child’s ability to hear can also be presented by your specialist. If your child isn’t old enough to adjust hearing aids on his or her own, it will be your responsibility to make certain they are comfortable.
Although it may seem overwhelming at first, research and meeting with an expert will help you better understand the best hearing aid options for your child.
The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.