Homeopathic herbs and flowers in mortar and pestle with tincture and medicine bottles on a wooden table.

If you get a cut, that cut will heal. If you stub your toe, it may feel painful and inflamed but the inflammation will abate, and you’ll feel better pretty soon. Even if you break a bone, when correctly set, it will mend.

But what if you lose your hearing? Can the inner ear heal itself? Will your hearing come back? Can that healing be helped by homeopathic remedies?

What is homeopathic medicine’s approach?

The basic concept is that homeopathic medicine is natural. You’re treating the whole person, according to this approach, not simply the ailment. Basically, the human body should have the capacity to activate its own healing ability. People who promote this think the body will heal faster than normal if it receives the right encouragement.

What is homeopathic medicine made of?

The prefix “Homeo” signifies “like” and the basis of the word “pathy” means “disease”. So the word homeopathy means “like a disease”. The fact that a cure would be called “like a disease” may seem strange.”

But it’s called that because it uses substances like nightshade and arsenic which would be unsafe in large amounts. Homeopathic advocates believe that by administering these substances in very small amounts, a natural healing process is triggered.

While some disregard homeopathy, other people believe in its benefits. Normally, once a person develops an opinion on this, it’s hard to change their mind. What we will address is why there are no homeopathic treatments for hearing loss.

Homeopathy may be harmless at best for other parts of the body but with the ears, it can actually cause significant harm.

How hearing works

The cochlea, which is the name for the inner ear, looks like a snail shell. There are tiny hairs, called cilia, inside of this structure. When sound is produced, these little hairs will vibrate rhythmically. The way in which these hair cells move sends complex signals to the brain. These signals are then sorted out by the brain and differentiated as unique sounds. What words and letters are being spoken can also be distinguished.

When a healthy child is born, they have thousands of these little hairs. But these hairs disintegrate as you age and your ears are exposed to infections, loud sounds, and other hazards. They bend. They break. They die. Sound will no longer be received and carried by these dead hairs.

The most delicate hairs are the ones that detect high frequency sounds like birds chirping or the voices of little children. So these are the first to go when your ears start to take damage.

Once these hairs are damaged, they don’t grow back or heal themselves — ever. That’s why protecting your ears is so essential.

Homeopathy and Hearing

The body’s natural healing system is believed to be activated by homeopathic remedies. In the case of human hearing, there is no natural healing process established. These hairs don’t grow back.

If you’re experiencing early stage hearing loss, the best thing you can do is contact us for a hearing exam. If you delay getting medical advice and treatment while you “try” homeopathic remedies, you could be doing more lasting harm to your hearing. Talk with us today about proven prevention and treatment options.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.