Did you ever think cell phones and hearing aids would go together? Well, they do. In fact, both cell and smart phones are taking the hearing impaired community by storm, galvanizing the use of modern day hearing aids. For those with different degrees of hearing loss, sometimes a hearing aid just doesn’t do the trick. That’s what the cell phones and smart phones are for – to pick up the slack. Featuring state of the art technology to accommodate the growing needs of the hearing impaired community, these devices now come equipped with special components that can work in tandem for greater clarity. Take a look at the following reasons why cell phones continue to revolutionize the use of modern day hearing aids for hearing impaired individuals.

Smart Phones- Leading The Way

Hitting the market hard with excellent technology built right in, cell and smart phones contain sensitive telecoils that provide static and noise cancelling technology. The best part is, the user experiences virtually no feedback or static present when using a hearing aid together with a phone.

Smart phones have been leading the charge with superior technology built right in. Just like regular cell phones, these devices often feature high-level telecoils built into their construction. Static and noise cancelling technology inherent in the latest models is yet another way that people who use hearing aids are taking advantage of using smart phones. The result? Using a hearing aid together with a cell phone will not result in feedback or static, giving the user complete clarity while in use. This is known as hearing aid capability, or HAC, which means that hearing impaired people can learn their device’s abilities before they buy.

Cell Phone Technological Advancements

In an effort to bolster the convenience of cell phones, today’s models come with a telecoil that essentially converts important magnetic signals from the phone into sound signals for optimal interpretation. The telecoil and the cell phone basically work together to produce this desired result.

Today’s cell phones must meet or exceed a T3 or T4 standard that shows they can handle the power and efficiency that is a requirement in working with modern hearing aids. Thanks to these new advancements, both the hardware and software of cell phones have been bolstered to provide optimal enjoyment for the user. In this vein, sufferers of hearing loss can then get a further accessibility range when it comes to their cell phone for the utmost in convenience.

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